Miracle Milk [vinyl record]


A vinyl record of our 2nd full album "Miracle Milk", originally released in 2016. 

We have collaborated with the Japanese record chain "disk union" on the production of these records.

Size: 31 x 31.5 x 0.7 cm

Made in Japan.

Photography by Yamato Kasai.


Disc 1
A1. Red Dahlia
A2. Ga1ahad and Scientific Witchery
A4. Unidentified Flavourful Object
B1. Meatball Submarine
B2. Vulnerability
B3. 与我共鳴 -NENTEN-
B4. Bathtub Mermaid

Disc 2
C1. Cerebrite
C2. Space Colony
C3. world.execute(me);
C4. Utopiosphere -Platonism
C5. Painful Death for the Lactose Intolerant
D1. YUBIKIRI-GENMAN -special edit
D2. Sl0t
D3. Past the Stargazing Season
D4. Colorful
D5. Komm, susser Tod